Cheese stik tanpa cheese. Resep ini pas banget buat ngabisin putih telur kalo abis bikin kuker lebaran seperti nastar atau kastengels yang perlu banyak kuning telur. selain itu. These easy cheese sticks are the best appetizer ever. Serve them alongside some marinara sauce for mozzarella sticks that These Cheese Sticks will have the best results deep fried, it makes them crispy and delicious.
This is totally different from Mozzarella sticks, but both have something in common: cheese sticks and mozzarella sticks are crispy in the outside and soft in the. Cheese sticks, however, may sound like it's easy to cook but you may end up with oozing cheese out of its crispy wrappers before you even take it out of the frying pan. To prevent this, the key is to make sure that the cheese is chilled before frying. Anda dapat memasak Cheese stik tanpa cheese menggunakan 7 bahan dan 4 langkah. Begini cara membuatnya.
Bahan-bahan yang digunakan untuk membikin Cheese stik tanpa cheese
- Sediakan 500 gr Terigu.
- Anda membutuhkan 250 gr sagu.
- Anda membutuhkan 100 gr margarin.
- Anda memerlukan 2 Bks Royco sapi.
- Anda membutuhkan 1,5 sdt garam.
- Anda memerlukan 2 bh telur.
- Anda membutuhkan secukupnya Air.
Alhasil, tanpa pikir dua kali langsung deh ambil. Reseo cheese stik ini sebenernya gw sudah ngebookmark lama banget. Cheese Stick is a female contestant in Yet Another Gameshow. She is very well made being able to hear what KSSU is talking, since KSSU can't talk.
Cara membuat Cheese stik tanpa cheese
- Lelehkan margarin, dinginkan. Masukan dalam wadah yg agak besar terigu, sagu. Di wadah yg lain kocok telur, Royco, n garam, sampai rata. Campurkan kocokan telur k dlm terigu, margarin cair nya juga, aduk rata dgn tangan. Beri air sedikit2 aja, adonan jangan sampai lembek, agak kering sedikit. Bentuk bulat bulat.
- Ambil satu bulatan giling d cetakan di no 1 dulu, lakukan pd bulatan ke 2, 3, 4 dan 5. Lalu tipiskan di no 2, terakhir di no 5/6. Sesuai selera aja ketebalan nya. Sisa bulatan di tutup, agar tidak kering. Setelah di giling, potong sepanjang 10 cm, kemudian potong di gilingan mie yang lebar. Lakukan sampai habis. Di tumpuk2 aja buat satu kali goreng, ga perlu d taburi tepung..
- Panaskan minyak yang banyak (me: 1 lt kurang sedikit). Ambil setumpuk yg sudah d giling mie tadi, taruh dlm minyak panas, goyang kan stik pelan2 agar tidak nempel n merata matang nya. Goreng sampai berwarna kuning ke emasan. Angkat tiriskan..
- Di bawah ini adalah contoh gilingan nya. Merawatnya setelah d pakai bersihkan dgn lap bersih d kasih minyak goreng sedikit. Jangan sampai terkena air, dapat menyebabkan karatan..
Cheese Stick is a pale cheese stick that has an irregular stick shape. Fail-Proof Pizza Dough & Cheesy Garlic Bread Sticks. Cheese Straws Adapted from The Lee Bros. Try this great homemade cheese sticks recipe with a nice, buttery flavor, for a perfect snack or as a These cheese sticks are a great salty snack for any occasion and even for holidays. I have this recipe from my mother and works.